Diego Conterno
750 ml
Diego Conterno 2023 Nascetta
Langhe750 ml
The savory and minerally flavors on the palate are accompanied by notes of citrus, [pineapple and sage. Ideal as an aperitif.
Nascetta is the only real indigenous white grape variety from Langhe. In the past, it was mainly used to make sweet wines, usually for religious purposes, but its lovely aromatic complexity makes it ideal for a dry white wine. This Nascetta from Diego Conterno is a selection from two estate vineyards: Ferrione, on a hillside facing west/southwest; and Ginestra, facing east, in Monforte d’Alba.
Nascetta is the only real indigenous white grape variety from Langhe. In the past, it was mainly used to make sweet wines, usually for religious purposes, but its lovely aromatic complexity makes it ideal for a dry white wine. This Nascetta from Diego Conterno is a selection from two estate vineyards: Ferrione, on a hillside facing west/southwest; and Ginestra, facing east, in Monforte d’Alba.
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